With so many reasons to visit and a vast selection of top resorts in Florida, how do you know where to stay? Top Florida Resorts is the accommodations authority for the best of best in Florida. We have compiled several best top 10 lists and have broken them out by category to help you find your personal ultimate Florida vacation. Our company has partnered with travel experts and journalist as well conducted independent research and visited each top resort individually to offer the most up to date and comprehensive top 10 Florida resort lists.
In Florida it's not where you stay, it's why you stay!
Now that it's clear you are only dealing with the best resorts in Florida, it's time to figure out why you are planning your vacation to the sunshine state. The list of amenities, attractions, events and most importantly reasons to visit one of our top rated resorts and hotels could go on forever. So where do you get started planning your dream vacation? Top Florida Resorts has made it as easy as possible to find where you want, and should stay! To view one of our top 10 lists select which category best suits your individual vacation needs and desires.